Wu Dong Qian Kun - Ice Spirit Tribe Side Story 4
Ice Spirit Tribe Side Story 4
Cold Qi pervaded the land. Lightning coiled and twisted around a scepter wielding figure as he slowly walked forward. Space seemed to shudder every time his foot landed on the ground, creating ripples that could been seen with the naked eye.
The eyes of the many Ice Spirit Tribe experts were filled with fear. The pressure this figure gave them was really too overwhelming. It was so great that even… Ice Spirit Ancestor had never given them such a feeling.
There was likewise wariness and gravenss in Ice Spirit Ancestor’s eyes as he stared at Lin Dong’s figure. Even he could feel a sliver of danger from the latter’s body.
Under the numerous fearful gazes, Lin Dong’s footsteps came to a stop. He looked towards Ice Spirit Ancestor, as he slowly tightened his grip around the cackling Lightning Emperor Scepter, and spoke in a rather flat voice, “One should always repay another’s kindness. Since Ice Spirit Tribe has so warmly welcomed me, kindly receive this attack of mine honorable one!”
He already knew that peaceful negotiations…
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