Tomb Raider King - Chapter 414: Epilogue 5
“I really can’t understand it.”
The team members looked serious after hearing Jaeha’s comment.
They were all in charge of different aspects to help out the Majesty.
They were all gathered at a table looking at a map artifact.
The map artifact, that was in the shape of a tablet, was showing different things in set intervals.
They were the locations of the suspicious holes that Ju-Heon had lately had to deal with.
The suspicious bastards coming out of the hole were all heinous artifacts that ate humans.
They weren’t sure about the identity of these things, but they were sure that they were artifacts.
However, they were all mysterious artifacts that had not been recorded in Ju-Heon’s Akashic records.
Some of them were too familiar to be considered nameless apocalypse artifacts not recorded in the Akashic records.
For example, there was one that looked very similar to the Gold axe Silver axe.
‘They should be submitting to the Majesty’s power if they are artifacts.’
But they didn’t seem to do that.
Ju-Heon, and none of them, had any idea about these suspicious monsters.
Who the hell were they and what was their goal for coming…
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