Tomb Raider King - Chapter 408: Side Story 22 - An extremely peaceful wedding(?) (1)
“That’s weird.”
Julian tilted his head. Dan must have been curious, as he asked after seeing Juilan’s expression.
“What’s wrong? What’s going on?”
Dan, who was personally bringing dishes out for the guests, walked over to Julian.
“Is today’s menu not to your liking?”
They were in Dan’s steak restaurant. His butcher shop had expanded into a restaurant, with a chef, who was skilled of a hotel chef yet charged a reasonable price, in this peculiar yet beautifully decorated dining area.
Julian often came here after work because he could get homemade meals, and not just steaks, here.
Well, it was sad that he was always eating alone in this romantic restaurant that looked as if he should be here with his lover, but…
“Vice Captain-nim?”
“Ah, no. The food is fabulous as always. I just had a weird dream.”
“Hmm? Did you have a nightmare or something?”
He probably would have preferred to have a nightmare.
“It was just weird. I saw large carps in all colors of the rainbow going somewhere…”
Julian soon explained what he saw in his dreams. He would normally not care about things like dreams, but…
‘There are dream-related artifacts as well.’
He was concerned that a mysterious artifact might pop up around there.
However, Dan suddenly started laughing after hearing Julian’s story.
“That’s a dream of conception.”
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