Renegade Immortal - Chapter 2086 - Reincarnation is Right There
“I was hesitant about all of this until I saw the mountain with the seven-colored snow for the second time and the figure holding the body when I was in the Ancient Shi ancestral temple. I felt like something was wrong, but at the same time, a crazy idea was born!” Wang Lin didn’t look at the All-Seer, but at the bridge behind the All-Seer.
“I was afraid of the failure that I saw, afraid that I had failed to resurrect Wan Er. I was afraid that everything was just a previous life where I met Wan Er and did my best to resurrect her but failed, so I immersed myself in the dream dao to change reincarnation until my dream came true!
“However, was it really a previous life… I didn’t think so! I was…
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