Imperial God Emperor - 744 - Sinful Pit
Chapter 744, Sinful pit
“Haha, I have to admit that the battle between the Saintess of Jade Pearl and the Little Princess of the Black Demon Raceace an hour ago was really earth-shaking. Even the weather of the Black Demon Abyss was affected.”
“Right, if we hadn’t hid far enough, we would have died under the impact of their power, just like these fools.”
“I didn’t expect the young Little Princess of the Black Demon Race to be so strong.”
“Of course, she is the princess of the Black Demon Race, this is her territory. But the Saintess of Jade Pearl is really brave to challenge the Little Princess on the territory of the Black Demon Race, she really is impressive.”
“That Saintess of Jade Pearl is very fierce, do not anger her. She was able to take on so many moves of the Little Princess, they are equally excellent.”
“Do you want to guess who’s going to win in the end?”
“It’s difficult to say. When the two broke through the Void and left together, they did not look injured. It seems like they can fight for another eight or ten days.”
The group of people gossiped among each other as they left.
Hearing the conversation, Ye Qingyu was a little surprised.
It seemed that the two strong and terrifying auras he had sensed before were from the Saintess of Jade Pearl and the Little…
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