Imperial God Emperor - 740 - Accusation
Chapter 740, Accusation
He examined all the information on the token and the light curtain, and found that there were not any signs of them being affected by external forces. Therefore, it was clear that all the content was indeed released directly from the Domain Alliance.
And what was even more surprising to him was that, behind his illusory portrait and next to his basic information such as his name and race, it wrote that he was wanted for the crime of ‘massacre of the entire Black Armor Race’.
Massacre of the Black Armor Race?
Ye Qingyu was initially shocked, but then did not know whether to laugh or cry.
He had become the murderer of the Black Armor Race?
How was that possible?
The Black Armor Race was indeed massacred, but Ye Qingyu had never thought that he would become the culprit in the outsiders’ eyes, and even listed on the Domain Alliance’s wanted list.
No, he must clarify this as soon as possible.
This was Ye Qingyu’s first thought.
But he quickly realized that there was no way he could clarify everything.
The names that were on the Domain Alliance wanted list were not listed on a spur of the moment, but had been through a certain process, and they must have acquired a…
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